Please help. What should I use to treat goldfish parasites?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 31, 2003
Corona, California
I'm getting frustrated because I have two parasite infested fish right now, one in my sw tank, and one in my fw tank. I'm having the most trouble with my goldfish. First I thought it had gill disease because the gills are folded up, showing the red parts underneath. So I treated with TC capsules. It didn't seem to help any so I did some research and read that parasites can also cause this, and the way that the fish is acting makes me believe that this is the case. I don't know what kind of parasites exactly because I can't see them. I'm thinking gill flukes but I could be wrong. Anyway, I went to the Petsmart and bought a parasite medication by Jungle. It supposedly treats many kinds of parasites, but it did abosolutely nothing. I did a water change and added a second dose, and a few hours later my goldfish was upside down on the bottom of the tank gasping for air! My algae eater was literally trying to jump out of the tank. It wanted to breathe air rather than be in the tank! I immediately added carbon to the filter and put an airstone in. The fish recovered, but the goldfish is still suffering from the parasites. I'm going to a real fishstore tomorrow (we only have Petsmart around here and they have nothing) and I want to by a medication that will work. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!!!

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