Please help with Cycling issue!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 6, 2013
So I bought my first tank a few weeks ago and I'm having some major issues. It's a Fluval Edge 6 gallon FYI.

It came with a bottle of Nutrafin Cycle and I added it gradually over the course of 3 days per the instructions but didn't add any fish because I wanted to cycle the tank without any.

My ammonia level has been holding fairly steady at .50 - 1.0 ppm and isn't dropping. My nitrites are through the roof at over 5.0 ppm and the nitrates are high at around 40-80 ppm. It's been like this for weeks.

I've done a few partial water changes between 25%-50% in an attempt to bring down the Nitrites and Nitrates without much success.

FYI the tap water in my house is reading a PH around 7.6, Ammonia around .25 ppm, Nitrite around .25 ppm and 0 nitrates. This is all my API master kit tests for.

Is my cycle screwed up? Should I start completely over and just add the pure ammonia this time?

I'm at my wits end with this thing and am desperately seeking a solution to this.

Also my heater is holding the temp at 80 degrees.
I would wait alittle longer but you wouldnt have to start again just get some ammonia and continue.

Doesnt sound to me like your cycled has stopped. Its just taking its natural course and that takes time.
I would wait alittle longer but you wouldnt have to start again just get some ammonia and continue.

Doesnt sound to me like your cycled has stopped. Its just taking its natural course and that takes time.

Do you think that the Nutrafin Cycle product that I used caused the Nitrites to spike which in turn ended up creating the Nitrates? Also, most likely the good bacteria that converts the ammonia to Nitrites didn't build up yet and that's why the Ammonia really isn't dropping at this point?
So I did a big 80% water change yesterday and the NItrites are still through the roof. The Nitrates came down a bit but they are quickly rising again. The Ammonia dropped due to the water change so I added a few drops yesterday to boost it up a bit to see if it would drop at all. It doesn't seem to be dropping at all.

Now all of my levels are high! Any other advice? I'm really beginning to think that the cycle is messed up.
So I did a big 80% water change yesterday and the NItrites are still through the roof. The Nitrates came down a bit but they are quickly rising again. The Ammonia dropped due to the water change so I added a few drops yesterday to boost it up a bit to see if it would drop at all. It doesn't seem to be dropping at all.

Now all of my levels are high! Any other advice? I'm really beginning to think that the cycle is messed up.

No your cycle isnt messed up it sounds like its in its last stages so stay strong, relax and let it take its course. If your nitrates are growing your nitrite bacteria are forming. Keep up what youre doing and i know it can be frustrating when cycling for the first time and you have alot of time to question your progress. Everthing sounds good to me.
Fwiw, there is a lot of disagreement over those cycle boosting products. Some have success, but many do not, and while there are bacteria in them, how they are stored and how old they are has an effect on how many might actually be alive. I tried a few of them and decided they are simply not worth spending money on.

Used media from another mature filter will get your cycle sorted in almost no time, if you have anyone you can get some mature media from.
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