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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 27, 2003
the thing is i have 2 tanks a 2 foot tank and a 4 foot tank

in the 2 foot tank i'm treating a betta for white spot today i noticed he's starting with fin rot what i'd like to know is can i use melafix and interpet No 6 together?

in the other tank i have (had) 3 pearl gouramis, this morning when i put the light on the large female was swimming like she was on a rollercoster round and round all over the place, so i go to get the breeder net to put her in and see if i can see anything wrong, when i get back 2 mins later she's dead she was fine last night, ate well seemed happy enough, well i've checked her over no marks lumps or bumps not even a ripped fin
anybody have any ideas? should i treat the tank?

i've only had the gouramis about a week now

thanks for any help
a sad hairball
Not sure about your first question as I have never had to dose any of those meds.

What are the water parameters of your second tank (i.e. ammonia, nitrite, nitrate)? High ammonia levels can cause fish to act extremely anxious and wild. They will dart around all over the place for no reason.
You might have septicima. It's a bad bacterial infection, coused by high levels of amonia or plant material. I am familiar with Melafix, but not no. 6. Melafix works well, but smells funny. I'd try a 3/4 or at least 1/2 water change and add freshwater salt. Salt helps fish heal wounds, and can work wonders on scraped fish or those with weak fins. Make sure to dilute treatments on tanks with cats, eels, or small, scaleless fish. Take out things like snails and frogs, too.

Good luck!
i agree ... sounds like toxic shock ... too much ammonia or nitrite, or some other chemical (chlorine / chloramine)

try frequent small water changes using 'aged' water...

to make it fill a few 5 gal buckets, mix in some water prep (start right or whatever), and then let it sit overnnight (inside if possible to keep out the skeeters)

as mentioned, you could try adding a little salt ... a 1/2 tablespoon or less per gallon (use Kosher salt or the more expensive freshwater aquarium salt (which is the same as Kosher salt)
My experience with Gourami's is that it's a miracle that the species isn't extinct. I've never been able to keep them alive. Even with perfect water conditions, they always seem to die within 6 months. After taking a 2 year break from them, I actually just picked up two blue dwarfs today. I'm hoping to get more than six months out of them. Don't be discouraged, I think these are just difficult fish to keep.
I too had problems with gouramis...Had 4 a while ago and all have died a mysterious death. Right now I have 1 opaline gourami which is doing real good and I had him for over a year now. I remember when I first bought a Gourami and my ammonia level was pretty high in the tank...the gourami actually jumped out the tank and flapped all over the carpet. I did not know much about ammonia back then and put the Gourami back in the seemed fine for a few days and then just died with out any warning....Test your water!
hi all and thanks for your replys, its not toxic shock
ammonia 0 -nitrite 0 -nitrate 12.5 same as tap water
the guy in the shop where i got the fish said it could have been a heart attack, not too sure about that, can fish have heart attacks???

again thanks for your help all others seem fine now so i'll just keep watching
if all it is is fin rot and white spot quick cure is a very good med that can treat both of those. That is what i recomend.
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