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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 16, 2005
ct us
I have a few problems with my fish that are really worrying me.. One of my tanks that has only 2 gold white cloud minnows has a problem.. one of them has red spots and his side fins seem to stay out, also his color is fading.

In my other tank I have giant danio's and corydora's... The corydoras are rubbing against the gravel as they eat and I see a danio scrape the rocks every now and then.. One danio has an orangeish redish tint to his whole body, plus a corydora is really really fat. No signs of white spots..

I have bio wheels on both tanks and been treating both tanks with PRIME and CYCLE by the same company...

whats wrong please help!
The behavior you describe sounds like Ich. Even though the white spots aren't present yet, something is irritating your fishes body, and that is why it is rubbing on the gravel. I would start to slowly raise your temperature up to about 86 degrees. Heat is a very effective treatment to kill off ich. Cories can be a bit sesitive to the heat, but if you monitor the temperature and raise it slowly, they should be fine.

Corydoras can be quite prolific breeders also. She could have eggs, or just be fat. They do eat a lot, and I've seen many a fat cory. I'd just keep an eye on the cories and not worry about them for now.

The red spots on the danios could be a sign of poor water quality. How often do you change your water and what size tanks are these fish in?

Please get a water sample and post us the readings. Ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, pH, and temperature of your tanks. Good water quality can go a long way in healing a sick fish.
In addition to what DT has asked, how long have your tanks been set up? Anything new added to either tank?
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