please id this corydoras

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 11, 2006
This is my one and only and I need to find it some friends..


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thank you
well after reading that link I am wondering if I should find it a new home the substrate thing and all, although I do have all the smoother river rocks on one half of tank, I don't see him alot. I thought it was bc of the being the only one, I have albinos in my tank, but he don't swim with them
Fine gravel or sand is always good for cories! lol False juliis and true juliis seem to be a bit more shy than many cories. They appreciate a dim place to hang out don't seem to schoal with other cories too much. Certainly not with those little spazoids, the albinos. :roll:
I have two false juliis in my tank (had been three but lost one). Mine are out and fairly active (although I think they were more so when there were three.) It may just be that he/she's lonely.
He should come out a little more often if you get more. :) I have a group of 6 of these and they still aren't as active as my albinos....but they come out every once in a while. ;)
Agreed that it is a false julii, scientific name is Corydoras trilineatus. See this page regarding information:

We have 7 in our tank and they are GREAT! They love to school and seem to play with each other. They were definitely skittish at first, but now they are all over the tank. They LOVE sinking shrimp pellets. We even see them in a little "cory pile" at times... they almost look like they are snuggling.
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