Pleco eats pain?t-- what to do..?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 28, 2004
so i bought this:;category_id=1689;pcid1=1695;pcid2=

because i was bored of the terra cotta pots as the sole hiding/dwelling spots in my tank. but , my pleco(s) have taken off probably 20% of the paint on the top and sides.. they both seem fine.. I almost positive it's only the L200 thats doing this.. anyway should I take it out? It's been in there for 3 weeks now, and all the fish seem ok, and healthy.. don't even know if it's "paint" , but what ever is used to coat these decorations--- is it harmful?
The colour is usually impregnated in the resin during moulding, so whatever is affecting your decoration is probably actually removing the outer layers of resin. The dyes used are not toxic in anything but very large quantities...and neither is the resin...your fish will probably be fine, but the decoration should not be able to be damaged like that...especially so sound like it was a poor batch or just very low quality.
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