Pleco identification

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 8, 2004
Newtown CT
I picked up a pleco at the local Petco, remind me not to do that again, and i'm not sure what kind it is.

The tag said Brazilian pleco but after looking online, that doens't seem right.

The reciept says Plecostomus-Colomb, does that sound like some sort of pleco, colombus or something?

I have a horrible picture i took with my phone camera of his belly, maybe the spots will help


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Well, it's really hard to say from your pic but, I'm gonna say it probably just a common pleco. I think the L# is L-023. I would assume colomb would mean Colombia as in South America local.
I've never seen a chain fish store sell them with the proper name. Mostly they just sell common plecos, but Ive seen some bristlenoses sold at Walmart with the name tag on the tank just said plecostamus. Whoever ordered that day must have thought they were cool or something. :roll:

Im sure there are some pleco experts that can give a betterguess. My opinion is, we need a better picture of the back; fins, etc. Still looks like a common Pleco to me though.
i'll try and get a better pic when its light out, maybe the phone cam will work.

I have a common in my tank at home, and he does look different.

My common at home has defined black spots with a green body. The one i purchased sort of has connected dots, and a bit of a stripe going on his dorsal fin.

I have to find a good LFS, if they exist, Petco just aint cuttin it.
"Commons" vary. What keeps them in the same category, is they do not have a "sail" fin and they get quite large. The two buggers in my 80 have different markings, but are both "common."
I agree with Menagerie. Planetcatfish has two species listed as commons. Hypostomus punctatus and pterygoplichthys pardalis. And there are probably more. But, more pictures are always good. :D
Its a common pleco-I had one wiht the exact same spots on the belly.

Dontb uy one again. :)

Buy a clown pleco they stay small.

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