Pleco question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 8, 2014
I'm taking in a 12 inch pleco from a 15 gallon aquarium torture tank to place in my 100 gallon this Saturday..

I was wanting to know how old is a twelve incher, how much larger will this fish grow.. any lifespan info?

Thanks again for all the tips everyone, takes a lot off of mind!

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Would he eat 3 inch commons and rosy reds?

Sent from my C5155 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Plecos are awesome fish. Normally the average common pleco lives over 20 years if it has the proper living conditions. If the pleco has been in a 15 gallon for a long time it growth might be stunted and it will not grow any larger. Plecos will not eat any fish you have in your aquarium, they are algae eaters meaning they are vegetarian. Plecos will eat algae wafers, cucumber, broccoli, zucchini, and drift wood. Drift wood is a very important part of there diet because it contains many good nutrients that they need to survive. I think I answered all of your questions for now if you have anymore just ask.
Thanks again guys, he was surprisingly very healthy looking. I want to place him in a hospital tank using a 45 gallon wide Rubbermaid before adding him to the 100g. Should this be OK?
Before I place him in the 100g will he be alright in a 45g wide for three weeks. I insist on the hospital tank when it comes to introducing new fish.
It also depends what kind of pleco it is. If it's a common it could get even bigger. I'd post a pic when you can and see if we can figure out what it is.
Its a common. I'm sure of it but I'll post pics as well Saturday. So how old should s one footer be just out of curiosity?
I'm no expert and I'm sure there are a lot if things to consider but I'm pretty sure mine is a common pleco too and he's 13 inches. I've had him for about 6 years and I bought him when he was tiny so I don't think he was very old when I got him. I hope that helps.
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Hi i just got a pleco and was wondering if someone could ID it for me.
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