Polystigma acting weird

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 6, 2013
So the last couple of days I haven't been seeing much of him/her ( cant tell due to all the spots ). It's been just hanging out on the bottom and hiding. It is usually one of the more aggressive ones and that's why I'm concerned. Hasn't came up for food recently and I was looking at it today and it was making mouth movements just sitting there. There are no other polystigmas in there so I don't know what's going on.
Any mouthbrooding fish will mate with any other mouthbrooder with or without their own species, so my guess would be she's holding or suffering from a digestive issue. Any chance for a picture?
I can't tell from that picture but here is what a holding female will look like,


The other issues could be stress from tankmates or like I said earlier a digestive issue such as internal parasites, which have symptoms such as being reclusive, spitting food, stringy white feces, and sunken stomachs.
So I found him/her dead this morning and don't know what from. It's still in tact so it wasn't eaten all of the spots on his body are gone I dunno if that was from the alge eaters sucking on him cuz that how I found him. He didn't eat for a while lil worried about the others now.

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