Pond Upgrade

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 3, 2011
i have 40 gallon tub pond preformed liner..that only holds 2 tiny small koi...we are upgrading to 125 gallons..will i need a filter with this? or just a pump to keep things circulating around?
I would use both. The more movement of water the better. Of course you need a filter and Biological filter as well for your beneficial bacteria. I would highly recommend a UV clarifier to keep your Algae plumes in check.Hope this helps. Just remember if you hook up a Uv unhook it in the winter months and store in garage or house


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avonsurfernc said:
I would use both. The more movement of water the better. Of course you need a filter and Biological filter as well for your beneficial bacteria. I would highly recommend a UV clarifier to keep your Algae plumes in check.Hope this helps. Just remember if you hook up a Uv unhook it in the winter months and store in garage or house

O wow! Ur pond looks amazing! I always wanted a pond! But living with my parents makes it near impossible!
giggalz said:
i have 40 gallon tub pond preformed liner..that only holds 2 tiny small koi...we are upgrading to 125 gallons..will i need a filter with this? or just a pump to keep things circulating around?

I believe a filter is always a must! Nice upgrade btw :) Ur kois are gonna enjoy their new heaven! U should do a building thread! :)
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