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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 12, 2003
East Tennessee
Hello everybody!
I have a Betta named ricky (after Ricky on I love Lucy!) he seems to have these white spots on him. First i thought it was ick but it is kinda smeered like instead of just little spots! he also seems to be alot less active somtimes i find im practicaly laying on the gravel i dont know what to do! please help poor little Ricky!!! :cry:
Sounds like a fungal infection... In which case an anti-fungal agent is in order! Try Myacin from Aquatronics. Also, check out sites with meds, and with fish disease pictures. Any chance you can send us a picture???

Might also be a bacterial infection. You might consider PMing Allivymar, since she's knowledgeable about disease.

Bettas do often chill at the bottom of a tank, but if this is uncharacteristic behavior for him, then you're right to be concerned.
thanx! that is very helpful! sry but i dont have the stuff to put pictures on! i wish i did! and who is PMing Allivymar? :wink:
Betta comonly get true fugus...maracyn is an over treamtment. Plus its hard to treat with maracyn in the contatiners Bettas are comonly in...I would get what is Called MarOxy. Its from the mardel line (same line as maracyn). I would make sure you get a picture of the disease so someone can tell you for sure.
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