pop up pond??

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Dec 6, 2003
I debated whether this should go under "equipment" or here... I will take the chance of being tarred and feathered and post here.

Anyone ever try one of these? I spotted one on ebay looking at something completely unrelated and had to check it out (wasn't sure if it was for real, sounds kinda gimmicky, but would be nice to have small water garden on balcony... not much on google that i found so far). Drsfostersmith carries them. I wonder if something like this would work out. And debate whether it's a good idea to have 300+ lbs sitting on my 3rd floor balcony.

Though I question that something would survive the heat out there, except maybe mosquitos, but perhaps I can just grow a water garden w/out fish...

Seems like it would work, but for the same price (perhaps a few bucks more) you can get something that is the same size, but made of solid plastic. Personally, I would feel much more secure with a tub that can't be peirced. Look in this forum for some examples of things people have purchased to use for their tub gardens.

As far as heat, I am not sure how you will fair. A lot will depend on how much sun you get. Perhaps you could start your tub garden with plants only, and then leave a thermometer in ther to check to see how stable your temps are.

As far as the weight, do you have any problems going out onto your balcony with your friend and standing there. Assuming that you each weigh at least 150 lbs, and the balcony holds, you should be fine. You might want to check with a contractor or someone more knowledgeable who can actually look at the balconly check for you.
Thanks! I actually kinda like the idea that it's collapsible, anything that takes up less space when I move... Though I would have to consider what to do with the plants. I will check out the other options, thanks for the suggestion!

I was thinking of doing the very thing you suggestion - plants and thermometer. I do get some sun, but I can probably shade the "pond" somehow. But it does get hot, and since it's above ground and on concrete I'm sure there will be some temperature swings I'd have to consider, or find a way to insulate against.

The balcony can hold the weight of two or three, but for a prolonged period...
I just bought and set up one - I'm in Austin, live on 5th floor of downtown hi rise;
although I have obviously not gone through a full summer, my tiny comets are very happy in my 28 gallon pop up pond. Although a hard sided pond might be nice, remember that if storage is an issue (especially if you don't overwinter the pond) that this pond collapses to nothing (space-wise).

I have dwarf papyrus, and hornwort in the pond, along with pothos. I grow pothos in all my tanks - getting sunburnt in pond - may have to remove it.

I have raised the pump within the pond (off the bottom), and have put aquarium gravel in the bottom - used turquoise and am pleased with the effect.

My concern is overwintering - not very deep. If I had it to do again, I would buy bigger pond. I , too, had weight concerns, but have found that pond doesn't really hold amount of water it's rated for.

The hardest thing was filling it!! I worked on filling it by myself, and every time I got more water, I found the pond draining because one of the sides had slipped below the water level. I kept raining water down upon by neighbors, by the gallons. :roll:

If, like me, you have no hose connect on your balcony, I would recommend what finally worked for me - I put a laundry basket inside the partially filled pond, and put two filled gallon water jugs (with lids on tightly) inside the basket - more jugs would have been better, but didn't fit!! This finally solved my problem (although the jugs did start to float).

Only then did I hook up equipment, add gravel. And of course, I waited a few days after water treatment, running, etc. before adding fish. Good luck! I love my pond!
I live in VA and have a 50 gal flower pot on my deck, In it I have an unknown plant, two "rosie reds" and three fantail goldies, I have never had any probs with the weight, just try to locate it close to a post and over a support beam. Even in our harsh winters and freezes, the fish survive just fine. Although I AM bringing the pot inside for this winter. I have to restain this coming spring, and want the sun to bleach the ring thats on the deck over the winter. As far as temps, I really havent had any probs either... The fish are healthy... The water prams are stable. I have a good plant that covers alot of surface so the fish have shade. and in fear of getting yelled at, I dont even have to feed them. I have so much alge and moss that grows, along with the decaying plant material, that the fish eat that, along with any bug that may hit the water. The water is crystal clear. Good luck with what ever you do!
if you want something small. i would go with a whiskey barrel, you can get real ones make of wood and there are also plastic ones. I have seen H-E-B carry the real ones at times for $15. Now remember if you get a real wooden whiskey barrel i would soak it for a min of 1 week then empty all the water and refill it. Good wooden barrels wont need liners, and you will have to keep water in them or the wood will seperate as it dries and you would then need to line it.
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