Possible ich?

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Glad everything is doing well. Sometimes fish will scratch after a water change... Some people say its from iron in the water or a change in hardness...

I'm glad everything is clearing up for you but I have a quick question... We're you Cories having buoyancy problems at all with the higher salinity levels? Some people say they have an awful time but I didn't have a problem with my Sterbais
Glad everything is doing well. Sometimes fish will scratch after a water change... Some people say its from iron in the water or a change in hardness...

I'm glad everything is clearing up for you but I have a quick question... We're you Cories having buoyancy problems at all with the higher salinity levels? Some people say they have an awful time but I didn't have a problem with my Sterbais

No I only have one ... I did have 5 but all of them died except one. And since it was such a stressful thing for me. I pretty much just never bought more. Also the only place I know to get them charges 8$. A Cory. Lol

But no he's doing fine! He's even still active with no heavy breathing.

Lady has gotten her ability to swim to the top of the water back, the only thing I noticed on her was the swollen gill was cherry red, but overall it looks better than it did 2 days ago.
I did another pwc. Almost all of the white dots are gone now.

I'm goin to keep doing the pwc at least every other Day untill after Christmas. But keep the water up to 86,87 untill after the new year.
Glad to hear everything is clearing up. The gls should turn around on lady so might still have some on her gills.
That's expensive 8$! I think I paid like maybe 3 a piece. Did they die from the ich or before hand? And also you should keep treating for atleast 1 week after you can't see anymore white spots on your fish. That way there is t a chance it is coming back.
No I think they died because at the time maybe I added to many at once or something. Not really sure. I think it was just inexperience that got me. Perhaps... Who really knows...
I noticed (because I work at petsmart as a stocker) that almost all of the fish have ich these last few days.... And I did just recently buy lady from petco, where I occasionally look for fish. Because I'm always looking for cool fish. And today I noticed they had a lot of ich infestation also. I beleive that it where it came from.

She has a few more spots today then yesterday, or perhaps I just didn't see them. But most of what I saw is gone now. And like I said. Tank is steady at 87.
Just keep it up there. Everything has to die off. It will go in stages. But just keep the temp and the salt and everything will work out great.
I started to notice my pleco is actually devolving small amounts of fin rot. I hope he will be ok, lady's finrot is already looking better tho.
I'm guessing that the ich had a hold of lady to hard before I got the chance to cure it. Found her dead near the filter today :(. I was doing 25% water changes every other day. All sign of ich is gone from other fish tho. Except maybe the pleco. Who has mild finrot.
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