Possible ten gallon!

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Any other advice? I am a TOTAL newbie with FW. I set up a wanting heater thread. Wonder why my aquarium kit didn't come with a heater. They should...

Because if they don't come with (sometimes) a needed item, you'll get suckered into spending $$ for it and possibly more 'stuff'. It's a marketing tool.
But wait... They could just up the price a bit, and get more people to buy it BECAUSE it has everything that's needed...
It's complicated. Personally, I like to buy all my stuff separate, no kits. You will spend more but you can pick and choose brand and quality of equipment. Kits, generally have low to medium grade equipment.
I got my aquarium today for fifty bucks, but it included filter, hood, lights, water conditioner, filter cartridge, and food.
There's always red cherry shrimp. I breed them in a 10g non heated tank with a sponge filter and trade them into the local pet store for store credit. They're super easy to care for and breed like crazy.
You can get compact flourescents to replace the incandescent.
You'll need something in the 5,000-8,000K range for plants, 6,500 being the most preferred with aquarists. (Walmart's fish section has them for $5 a piece)
Dude they're telling you. Plants for a ten, you're going to want to want stuff that stays smaller and is pretty easy, java ferns, Anubias. No amazon swords or vals.
Java ferns are great and easy plants.but they are slow growers. Melon swords stay short. Liquid ferts and root tabs are not always needed but the plants will thank you with great growth.
So... Nuthin' fancy or expensive for javas, right?

Nope. Take some fishing line and tie them to some driftwood or something. Let the roots flow with the current. You can bury them but keep the rhizome, the green part above the root, out of the substrate. Mine produced #'s of daughter plants in a matter of months. I would attach pictures of my big ferns but it says that I've reached my photo limit:(
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