Potters angel

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 21, 2012
My potters angel has been in my tank for about a week. I've fed it brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, flakes, and pebbles all at different times of course and he hasn't seemed interested. I have a clip with some algae, but he hasn't gone for it. He has been picking at my rock, but just no solid foods. Is this normal? Is there any other type of food which would be more appealing to him?

Angels need a lot of variety IMO..I personally don't feed any of the foods you listed ...Try Mega Marine Angel,Mega Marine Algae,Formula 2(frozen cubes,not flakes)
fresh spinach(my angels favorite) peas,nori, and don't forget meats..Krill,table shrimp,scallops, clams and squid...
FTMMWS said:
Angels need a lot of variety IMO..I personally don't feed any of the foods you listed ...Try Mega Marine Angel,Mega Marine Algae,Formula 2(frozen cubes,not flakes)
fresh spinach(my angels favorite) peas,nori, and don't forget meats..Krill,table shrimp,scallops, clams and squid...

Hikari also has a frozen food called Angel Supreme that had a lot of the sponges, etc that they like.
You might also try rubber banding your seaweed around a piece of rock instead of putting it in a clip. My tang would never eat it from a clip but cleaned it off a rock in no time.
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