Powder Brown + Blue Hippo Together?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 28, 2013
i have a 75 gallon and i want to add some fish. i wanna a get a powder brown, and blue hippo tang. dont worry, when they grow im donating the brown to a family member. i have a 125 gallon also, so if he gets to big im moving them out. my real question is can they coexist in the tank together with clowns and a yellow tang. thanks
3 tangs in a 75, even if smallish, might not work out so well. All the fish in question can be territorial and aggressive. I am all for pushing stock limits, but I think you will be hard pressed to find someone who will tell you this will work out well.
3 tangs in a 75, even if smallish, might not work out so well. All the fish in question can be territorial and aggressive. I am all for pushing stock limits, but I think you will be hard pressed to find someone who will tell you this will work out well.

I agree, the risk isn't worth it imo. You'll run into problems 9/10xs probably so finding the 3 fish that actually do get along with each other in an already small tank could become a long, expensive process.
Yeah it probably won't work especially with the powder brown, they are prone to get ich, I lost a beautiful powder blue by adding him with my sailfin in a 80 gallon tank.
howd you lose him? i was also interested in a sailfin
Well I lost him because he was getting picked on by my sailfin they were the same size but my sailfin is clearly the boss of my tank. After a couple of days of fighting my powder blue got ich and died. Tangs are very territorial and especially a sailfin or a purple tang
well i really love the powders, its either the brown or blue, but i like the blue more, the only problem is would it be a problem with a blue hippo. or maybe i can introduce the two tangs at once? idk, i need some tips
Hippos Are pretty safe but im sure if u got one With a powder they would fight a little bit and the powders would certainly get ich the hippos would as well. But if u just absolutely want both get them at the same time make sure u have a large tank with plenty of rocks and cave for them to hide in and feel safe in u would suggest getting a cleaner wrasse and shrimp for when they get ich and feed feed feed make sure those guys are fat and healthy to fight off ich
i might just put the powder in the 150 and keep the hippo in the 75
I have a 210 gallon reef and I keep a yellow tang, tomini tang, hippo tang, powder blue tang and a gold-rim tang together. I have no problems at all with them. They don't really pay attention to each other at all. My yellow and tomini tang have been in the tank for a while and the other three were added about three months ago and I have no problems at all. You could do both tangs but make sure you add them at the same time and that they are about the same size. Also add them at night when your lights are off.

Hope this helps!
I have a sailfin tang, a blue hippo, and a yellow tang. all in a 210. I didnt add them all at once but then again, they are all of different body shapes and colors so I wouldn't imagine they would have a problem together anyway. Not to mention, they are all of the same size (small). I am leary about adding any that are of the same shape as should you be. Tangs are very prone to ich, and putting them in a smaller tank than what they need is only increasing the risk, let alone, with others of their type. If you do decide to add both of them, then pay close attention to their behavior and be prepared to seperate them. In addition, add them at the same time so one or the other doesnt have the time to become the territory. Just my 2 cents and experience.
I'm about to add a Powder Blue to my tank. I have a Regal tang (hippo) and a blue eye tang already. My tank is 100 Gallon and like yourself I will be moving the tangs to a larger tank eventually.

I plan on QT'ing the PB and treating for ich if necessary. I might treat anyway just to be on the safe side.

I'm hoping the QT will give it its best shot at survival and more so to thrive. I will make sure it's feeding we'll and fatten him up nicely before he goes into the DT.
This isn't easy to do, especially in a small tank where they can't get away from each other. Be cautious as there are a lot of folks that have tried this in a too small tank to only set off a chain of events that caused a lot of losses.

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