pregnant amano shrimp

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 7, 2005
Montreal, Canada

One of my amano shrimps has eggs under her belly... wow!

I just read that she should be in a separate bowl (probably so that the eggs don't get eaten by the other fish when she lays them). I don't have an extra tank with heater and all for her. I'm just wondering if I could put her in a plastic container with a lid (probably with a lid so that she doesn't get out and of course with some holes in it to let air come in and out). I woudl attach the container in the tank (not completely submersed) and change the water often. I'm thinking I could give her pieces of algea waffers for food. And then remove her from the container when she lays eggs. Let me know what you think about my plan.

I've seen this topic that gives a trick for providing food for the baby shrimps and I plan to try that.

How long will it take for her to lay eggs?

Oh... two of my amano shrimps have eggs under their belly!

I've put them in a clear plastic container with some java moss and a piece of algea wafer. The container is sort of floating at the surface, attacher so that it doesn't float around and flip.. It has a lid with holes for oxygen.

Hope this works. I've read that the chances I get baby shrimps is very slim... but I can't help trying... must be mommy instinct!
I think you are right. I found this page that suggests adding salt when breeding amano shrimps. It doesn"t say how much though...

This is getting more complicated then I thought! And the guy says he got hundreds of baby shrimps... What would I do with so many in one 20 gal tank? Maybe they should become diner for the cichild (I can't do that....)
vero said:
What would I do with so many in one 20 gal tank?

Sell them to other people. Amano Shrimp can be pretty expensive and hard to find in certain areas. You could feed them to your cichlid or sell them for $1 each or something.
I'm wondering if the larvae will hatch and be released live in completely fresh water? It seems like my females are always carrying eggs, and I'm wondeirng how much of a snack my fish are getting from it.

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