Pregnant guppies?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 13, 2014
Sorry I know there are a lot of these topics but I'm really having problems seeing if they are pregnant! I have 2 females, a cobra grey and a blonde. The grey I always can never tell and then I've never had a blonde guppy before, she has a orange gravid spot but only on one side she has a bit of black. So can someone please tell me if they look pregnant and what stage they are in? It would mean soo much because I don't know when they might drop fry! Thanks again, they are very active and I have a gorgeous male so I'm exited! ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1394905719.442275.jpg
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if you have a male then they are pregnant. the blonde isnt as far along as the cobra, but neither is very far along. guppy gestation is about a month, but they can store sperm for up to 6 months so they are prob still carrying store sperm and ull get all kinds of different colors. best thing to do is make sure there are plenty hiding places for the fry when they do drop. also, before they drop their bellies will square off and go from this (__) to this \__/, and their gravid spots will get huge, and dark. on the blonde you may be able to see eyes near the end. good luck! i recently had a female drop at night in a 10g with 6 other guppies and i saved 11 fry the next morning.
Thanks so much! I have seen them mating so they probably are! How many weeks until they drop fry approximately? And I now have a carpet of really thick java moss, amazon sword, and driftwood for them to hide, should I still move the fry to a separate tank?
At least 2 weeks left for both. The fry will hide in t plants but won't all live if you don't remove them. But remember they will drop every 28-30 days until they die, and the fry will be sexually mature at 4 months. So it all depends on how many guppies you want.

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Okay they are so weird, my females keep looking really big and then getting tiny within a couple days. I've had them about 3 months with a male and I haven't seen any of them getting very big or any fry! Is this normal?
Are they young females prettylatte??? Younger girls will have less babies. And therefore won't get as big. Also, are they being stressed?? What is your male to female ratio?? Stress will make them abort the fry and reabsorb them. Hope this helps.

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Are they young females prettylatte??? Younger girls will have less babies. And therefore won't get as big. Also, are they being stressed?? What is your male to female ratio?? Stress will make them abort the fry and reabsorb them. Hope this helps.

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Thanks for the reply? they are young I believe! They have been showing but it's not consistent. The male to female ratio is 2f:1m, and I have soo many hiding spots, so they normally take turns hiding in the java grass, near the heater, or following the male. I checked the parameters and it is normal. The ph is a slightly low but it's consistent and the fish have been really active. I'll try to get a pic of them if that would help!
Here are some updated photos! Do the females look any more pregnant like they should or are they developing too slowly? Thanks soo much! If anyone could comment on it, I would feel soo much better!ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1395445514.699541.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1395445529.781628.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1395445543.659927.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1395445553.700285.jpg
The cobra def looks farther along. But if they are young its possible they have dropped since the last pics, they just didn't get huge like my older girls do. Also, less fry will mean less survivors. I would suggest getting another female, just cause 3:1 is the ideal female to male ratio with such a small group. I have 7 guppy adults, only 2 are males. Neither fish looks very far along right now, and their bellies will be fatter after a good meal so remember that. I thought my Spanish skirt female was gonna drop like a week ago, she was so huge. She took a good poo, and now looks like she still has a week or so left.

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The cobra def looks farther along. But if they are young its possible they have dropped since the last pics, they just didn't get huge like my older girls do. Also, less fry will mean less survivors. I would suggest getting another female, just cause 3:1 is the ideal female to male ratio with such a small group. I have 7 guppy adults, only 2 are males. Neither fish looks very far along right now, and their bellies will be fatter after a good meal so remember that. I thought my Spanish skirt female was gonna drop like a week ago, she was so huge. She took a good poo, and now looks like she still has a week or so left.

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Okay thanks soo much! You just helped a ton! That makes a ton of sense now too because that's happened to me before. And the blonde guppy looks strange in her pregnancy and build, I wonder if she's a feeder guppy that I accidentally bought!
Hi I'm soo sorry for posting AGAIN but I left for like 8 hours for training and I came back and my female cobra looked really boxy and significantly larger than before. Is it possible to change that ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1395534437.094512.jpgfast? And what do u think by the photos? I'm so confused by this!ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1395534406.213582.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1395534425.709103.jpg
She looks like she might be in labor... may have even already delivered some. Like I said before these are really young girls so its harder to tell how far along just cause they don't get as big... does she look like she is pushing at all??? She will flex up or down...

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How long is the blonde?? She very well could be a feeder. I have a female feeder that is over a year old (I know cause she was born in my tank) she is about an inch long and done growing.

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Yeah she was really pushing and laying on the bottom of the breeding box, unfortunately I had to rush to leave! I hope some fry lived as my breeding box has no divider besides little slats on the sides? But aww that's good u saved that feeder! And the blonde is actually really large (I picked her out because she's big enough to protect the cobra, and she does an excellent job keeping the male away) but she has very tiny fins and practically no coloring!
She is prob a hybrid or very plain fancy then. And I had a breeding colony of feeders that got wiped out by fungus. I managed to save 2 females. Lost the other a while ago tho. Then I saw my 2 fancy males at Walmart where I was working at the time and needed them!!! Then I went and got them some girls... I want to go get a couple more females once I'm working again. And more plants for the tank.

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