Pregnant Guppy

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 11, 2013
Hey all,

In regards to the picture attached (sorry it's not the best) how long do you think this guppy has until she gives birth? Her gravid spot is black and she's looking boxy, but it's my first time dealing with this. I had one guppy give birth last night I think and result in consumed fry because her gravid spot is gone for I want to prevent that. I apologize for the fecal matter in the photo.


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She's got several weeks. Don't put her in a breeder box or anything yet. Black means she is pregnant, gold-pinks and she is close, boxy means any day now.
Thanks! I just put her in for a good picture then let her out. I will keep an eye on it.
This is my guppy this morning she has been pregnant for about 5 weeks now and has looked like this for a week now.



This is my guppy this morning she has been pregnant for about 5 weeks now and has looked like this for a week now.

Hippies usually only go 3-4 weeks. She may be holding off dropping because the water condition isn't right. Just a thought
Oh my goodness auto correct! D: that's supposed to say GUPPIES not hippies :p
As I recall fancy guppy breeding cycles are evry 9wks. Beware as sister and brother can mate with little genetic hangup. They breed like rabbits.
Most guppies give birth anywhere between 21-30 days, mine just gave birth about a week ago, we put her into the nursery tank we have and later that night she gave birth to 14 little ones, unfortunately she did end up eating a few but we saved 11 of the little ones and they are eating and getting bigger already... its a wonderful thing to watch!! Always remember that if she stops swimming around and just sits in the corner of the tank and doesn't run from the net or cup when trying to remove her, then more than likely she is getting ready to give birth, put her into the breeding box or whatever you have set up for her to have her babies in and let the magic happen, REMEMBER if you put her into the breeder box and she doesn't give birth within 24 hours then put her back into the tank, these are schooling fish and the solitary confinement will stress her out.. if you haven't gotten any baby food yet I also suggest getting some so that when they come you will be ready for them.. Also after she gives birth you need to remove her immediately or she will enjoy her offspring as a snack, you aren't going to want to put her back in the tank with the males for at least 24-48 hours after giving birth either, as the constant mating takes a toll of the females!! Good luck!
Yeah she has about 2-3 weeks left. When her stomach gets double that size then put her in the breeders box. If you keep her in there from now she will probably die from stress
By the way I breed guppies
The males will chase the females to breed, but they normally don't tightly school... but yes they can get stressed when alone. I just meant that in a community tank, you won't usually see them all tightly schooling.
I have my males and females separated.. I breed them specifically so im very aware of the mating habits.. the males don't "school" so much. . But as far as the females go I've had them die on me from being away from each other to long.. thanks for the new info
Yeah I've had that happen when I separated a female for having fry in a breeder. I think she was already on her way out though, cuz she wasn't in there for that long. (and I've had a guppy in a breeder for over a week with no problems) I've never had one die from stress as far as I can tell, but I hear a lot of other people have. I have mollies and platys in my bigger tank and they don't really school that much either. They do sometimes chase each other though. Sometimes makes will chase other males or females will chase the other fish. But nothing like a tetra or rasbora school. That's just my experience though :)
My experiance..... I find they breed so darn rapidly I just let them pop in the tank and let the other fish cull them for me. All though they didn't eat a single one outta the last batch I had one develope in such a manner it look as if he were folded in half. I crushed him and tossed him back in they ate him in 3 secs. So I find it easier to let them give birth natrually in a spot of their choosing, but then again their really just cannon fodder for my senegal (dinosaur) bichir.
No she is still very square and has a reddish color gravid spot but I watch her everyday and nothing. It is very strange. Here are some pics from today.



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