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Ld123 said:
Will carbon make prime in active?

Are you asking if you need carbon to use Prime?

Prime can be used only. Just add to the water during water changes. I don't think carbon will an effect on carbon. Most don't even run carbon unless there removing medications after treating there tank.

I hope this answers your question. If not please post back and I'll try to help out.

The Con
Not sure what your question is asking ... But if your referencing seachem prime ... I don't Carbon will have any effect on it?
I think they mean if they run carbon in their filter will it effect the effectiveness of PRIME?

IF so I don't believe so. I've never heard of it being an issue before
Sorry yes I wanted to know if the carbon in my filter will stop prime working. Seachem prime that is
Ld123 said:
Sorry yes I wanted to know if the carbon in my filter will stop prime working. Seachem prime that is

No it will not effect Prime. Your clear for take off lol :)
Does Anybody know where I can get seachem prime in the uk?
You can always order online. I got mine from If you don't want to order online you could always look at your LFS. Prime is pretty popular so there is a pretty good chance they will have it.
It's mainly the dechlorinator at my lfs
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