Problem with NLS Pellet Food

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 7, 2011
Has anyone out there had any problems with the NLS pellets. I know when your going to bring in a new food to your aquarium you need to do it slowly, but both times that I have tried to feed my fish some of this food I've had at least 2-3 fish die from bloat. Am I doing something wrong.
I feed my Cichlids Aquarian Flake food now (and once a week frozen brine shrimp) I hear good things about NLS and I'm just scared to feed it to them again. I really hate it when I loose a fish. Any help would be great.

The only problem I've had is once you feed it to them there is no going back. They will not eat anything else.
What kind of cichlids are we talking about, I currently keep a large variety of african and south/central americans fed exclusively on NLS. When feeding fish a poor diet, to high of protein, or frozen foods can iritate the intestines leading to Bloat, something I experienced with certain foods but never with NLS, since the switch a few years ago those health issues are a thing of the past. Here's a great article on the subject.
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Thanks that was a great read.
Hey take a look at my tanks on cichlid-forum user name robkk74 and let me know what you think. It's been awhile from my last update on pictures tho.
something you might want to try is soaking the food first to make it soft. Maybe its the hard food that they are not able to process if they are eating it too fast. Just a thought.
I feed NLS Cichlid or Grow pellets to all my fish, Malawi peacocks, SA and CA cichlids, 6 different types of pleco's, polka-dot loaches and a variety of catfish. Even the Carapo and zebra knife fishes eat the pellets along with the endler's livebearers, and I've never lost any fish from feeding them NLS.
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