Protein Skimmer Suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 5, 2003
Charleston, SC
I am converting my Fish Only tank to a Reef tank and was wondering what was everyones' opinion on what the best protein skimmer is. I want an in sump skimmer under or around $150.

Thanks in advance.
I just got a Turboflotor T1000, put I cant recommend it because I havent set it up yet. Looks cool though!

It came with a box of bioballs, what the%$^% are these for?

Anyways $159 to the door w/ a pump

Good luck
You could always trying a DIY skimmer, I'm going to make one as soon as I can find some good plans for my 44G tank.
For the tank size I second Logans suggestion. I just got one last week and am very happy with it.
Yes Aqua-c is a very good skimmer we also have these on special on our homepage. For the money you can't beat it!
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