Prunning Glosso

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 28, 2005
Stuttgart, Germany
Do you need to prune? If so how the heck do you do it? My glosso is so thick right now I cant push through it to the substrate with my finger. It isnt spreading anymore but gets thicker every day. Looks kind of cool too :D
I would say, pull them out, take them apart and plants only a few back in if they grow in such thick clusters. But as long as the single plants still get enough light and don't start to die I would leave it as is. A nice green and thick carpet is nice!
I've experimented with pruning Glosso and it wasn't too successful. You can trim it back one time at best and it should grow to cover the trimmed areas. The problem is that it gets so thick that it begins to choke off the Glosso at the bottom of the pile. When the lower plants die they begin to rot, which spreads to the healthy Glosso and pretty soon you have big chunks of Glosso floating around your tank.

Your best bet is to keep an eye on the Glosso, making sure it isn't starting to die off at the bottom. Once you notice this it's time to pull it out and replant it. If anyone has any other suggestions for keeping Glosso longer I would love to hear them :)
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