puffer tank needs plants

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 5, 2012
i have a 15 gallon tank with a figure eight puffer fish in it. i read online that puffers like to have heavily planted tanks. my question is what kind of plants should i put in the tank??? i have two plants already in there. ones an amazon sword and the other is a micro amazon sword. what else would they like. and what could i put in the tank to help the plants stick in the sand???

any tips on this tank would be greatly appreciated
The kind of plants you put in is entirely on a personal preference basis.

Java fern and Java moss are the two most popular ones in brackish water. There are some other brackish water adaptable plants, but I cannot remember any of them at the moment.
thnx a bunch my puffer seems to like the tank now but it has sand so i wanna plant the tank to make it look nice plus im getting three dwarf puffer fish
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