Pump and filter recommendations?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 29, 2011
Any recommendations for a college student? I just bought a Finnex HPS100 heater and don't even KNOW where to begin with the other 2...
-30gal FO tank, saltwater with 2 clowns is my goal
Oh, and since I'm a student I get free 2 day shipping through amazon so buying from amazon would be a plus :)
Aquaclear filter, for a 30G I suggest at least an AC50, probably a 70.

For a pump do you mean a powerhead? If so Hydor Koralias are good
I have a 29g and I use a aquaclear 50 and a remora protein skimmer. Between that and the live rock it works well.

I'm also using 2 koralia 750's for water circulation, makes a lot of flow but I like it.
You could try the one but I'd reccomend two so you can bounce the flow off each other. They make smaller koralias as well. I just went with the 750's cause they were on sale for like $24 on amazon lol
if i were to get just 1 which one would you recommend
If youre going with just one I'd go for the most flow. You can get creative with bouncing the single jet around the rock. have you checked amazons prices for koralias? do you know what your budget is?
id like to pay no more than $25, but then again I dont really know what a cheap one cost compared to an expensive one..
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