Pump/filter advice please

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 24, 2008
Hi Guys,i have just bought a juwel 180 vision which comes complete with pump/filter built into the tank but on advice from a friend also bought a EHEIM classic cannister filter/pump.....The question being should i run BOTH or just the cannister?? not sure what affect either or both may have on the environment and would like to get it right first time whilst setting up the tank today,any advice would be greatly appreciated :)
I would just use the Eheim it should be OK for water movement

athough there are many people out there and on here that love lots of water movement
Thanks for that i thought it would be ok on its owm,just wasn't sure....now am i being stupid or does the pump/filter airaite (not sure if thats spelt correctly) the water or do i need a seperate device? I intend to add live plants to help oxygenate the water.
You just aim the Eheim outlet in a way so that the surface of the water ripples which gives you all the gas exchange(O2 into water, and CO2 out) that you need.
Thanks mate thats been a great help...last question i promise,where is the best place to put the heater,next to the inlet/outlet so there's more water movement around it or at the other end of the tank?
Regards Lee
If you have good water movement it should not matter, but near the intake or outlet is good
Depending on what you want your tank to be (FOWLR, reef) you want 10x - 20x tank volume in total flow per hour in the tank. That is any combination of pumps and power heads. Reef tanks with lots of LR can and often do have much more than that.


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