Purple Emperor Tetras?

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How...it's dark purple? I'll go back and change it, just felt that it suited the topic. Sorry for teh broken eyeball...hehe
no worries, my eye will be fine :wink: i actually just figured out if i highlighted your post, i could read it (duh).

pretty fish, by the way. sorry i couldn't give any info on it, other than my smart @$$ coments :roll:
lol, that's alright. It's just on my end, it almost looked black, so I wasn't sure.

If nobody made any smart @$$ comments to me, I would feel like an outsider here. But I don't, and take itt all in stride.

I can't wait to look for that fish!
Emperor tetras are some lovely fish. I see them quite often around here and was going to add them to my discus tank but I added congo tetras instead.

Anyway, some info:
These fish are pretty peaceful and can live up to six years if kept in well maintained conditions. They like a dimly lit or heavily planted tank to reduce lighting. Peat filtered water or soft, acidic water will show them best. They can be fed a variety of frozen foods and flakes.

The males are more heavier bodied than the females.

I remember reading an article in AFM (Aquarium Fish Magazine) or TFH (Tropical Fish Hobbyist) last year about the emperors. The columnist had kept them for something like 12 years, and the large school managed to replenish itself, keeping an equilibrium, for the entire time. They looked beautiful in the pictures. I've considered getting them myself from time to time. I'm pretty sure the fish in the article were purple, so if you can search out some old (2003) copies of those 2 magazines, you might find some great info. I'm guessing the article was some time between May and October... Sorry I can't be of more help!

However, try looking them up under "emperor tetras" for info. I think they're simply a strain of emperors, or LiveAquaria may just be describing one aspect of their coloration. Here's one page for emperor tetras: http://petfish.net/Emperor_Tetra.htm
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