Purple Up - How long until it makes a noticable difference?

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PurpleUp is mostly just a ca additive which can be achieved with other ca additives just as well for less. Since you are adding ca make sure you have a ca test kit and alk test kit to keep it close to 400 ppm and 8-10 dKH.

See ”Understanding Calcium and Alkalinity”

Your lr has to have some coralline algae present now for it to spread.

Growth is going to depend on how much coralline algae you have now, water quality, and lighting. Could be as short as a couple of weeks to a couple of months.

I have coraline already.

HAve the CA test need the ALK test kit.

Will get what is needed and the rest will hopefully take care of it self. I am hoping for some noticable growth in a month or 2. I want it to start growing on the glass and what not.
Don’t worry, once it starts it’s pretty steady. Soon you more then likely will be hating it due to it overtaking everything.
You`ve got that right. I used to not have much and now I wish I could get rid of most of it. Looks good on the rock but that GLASS.
I have green coraline growing on my back glass. I also have spots of purple and pink. I keep the front 3 sides cleaned up.

Hoping not to hijack, but what causes the differnt colors?
Dumbutt or no, I bought a bottle of P/U a week ago. I swear, I can already see some new spots of purple on the rocks. The product seems good although I realize I may have to test for whatever it's adding.
I've been using Purple Up fpr a few weeks now, and honestly I haven't seen it do anything yet. My coraline was growing very well on it's own though so it's hard to say what it's doing. I tend to agree with most here that weekly PWC's will give you everything you need for good growth. That's all I was doing in my FOWLR and I have green, pink and purple going.

I only picked it up because of what I've been reading from others here, and since my LFS had a bottle I thought I would try it out. Have not seen a difference yet, but will post if I see a big boom in my growth. Would be kinda hard to notice though. I'm like Brenden in hating to have to clean the crap off my glass. All that coraline growth does seem to keep my nuisance algae at a minimum though, and I'm definetly down with that. My tank would no way support a herbivore. I have nothing to graze on at all :)
I just think that it depends on the tank. If you have calcium deficiencies to start with, you wont have much coraline growth and the purple up will seem to work wonders. However, if you have a keen balance of calcium and alkalinity (good levels) the purple up wont seem to work as well when you add it. Like tecwzrd said, it's just a calcium additive. Call it an "overglorified CA additive". Basically, all of us here know it to be a bottled product that sells.
Just keep your Alk and CA level correct and it will row everywhere. PU is a good product it is just over priced and you can do the same thing yourself much cheaper.

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