Quartz92 10g Planted!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 13, 2009
Toronto, Canada
In this thread I will keep a journal of my 10g planted tank! I will post pictures of it as soon as I gat batteries for my camera and take the pictures!

Right now my tank is cycling, any tips to make it cycle faster?
get some gravel or filtering material from the cycled tank to seed the tank

or if you can get this "bio spora" it is the only AA approved bacteria in a bottle
So, my planted tank hasn't worked out so good, all plants have died and I have converted it to another rearing tank for cichlids. I hope on trying planted tanks in the future, but right now, and for the next couple of years I will be focusing on school.
prob was the lights. i would have tried anubias java ferns moss and crypts. better luck next time.
It was the lights, but I am happy with what happened because now I have extra room for overstock of my cichlids.
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