Question about a new fish

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 19, 2023

just recently I had to euthanize my betta due to a pretty nasty tumor that restricted his ability to have an enjoyable life. Obviously it was an experience I would rather not go through again.

I know that generally, koi bettas are more prone to getting tumors, but is it something genetic? Like if I went to go get another betta from the same local aquarium store, would I have to worry about an increased chance of bettas with tumors because she breeds bettas with the same parents as my old fish? I was looking around the store a few days ago and they all look pretty similar to my diseased betta which makes me think they are either from the same parents or same supplier, so if tumors are something that can genetically be passed down I would rather stay away from that aquarium store.

Also, my fish died last night, and his tank is full of live plants. How long do you think they can live without another fish in the tank (basically should I move them to another tank)? Also, what would be the cleaning process for the tank if I want to add a new fish?
Yes, tumours in bettas are commonly genetic and passed down from parents to offspring. Your fish store isnt likely to be breeding them themselves, they will be buying from a breeder, possibly a local breeder, possibly farmed and imported. Talk to them. If you can find a local breeder with a good reputation you are more likely to obtain fish without these genetic traits. Maybe you have a local aquarium club or FB group?

Plants will be fine for the medium term.

If your fish was otherwise healthy i wouldn't clean the tank. Maybe a big water change.

What you want to be careful of is losing your cycle. The microbes responsible for your cycle grow or die off depending on the amount of fish waste in the water. With no fish waste they will start to die off. Wont happen overnight, but if you are going to be a couple of weeks or more without a fish you want to get some ammonia into the tank or plan on needing to re-cycle the tank. Either dosing ammonia or put as much fish food in the tank every day, as much as you fed your betta. This will help with the plants also.
Certain strains of Bettas are prone to genetic " defects". Kois/ reds are prone to tumors, Dragonscales have eye issues, Doubletails have short bodies vs "regular body lengths, and so on and so on. :( Unfortunately, to make these interesting changes to the Betta fish, it included breeding practices that may not have been the best course of action. But all is not lost (y)
Here's a thread with the most common issues of different strains
Once you know what NOT to get ( if you don't want future problems), it makes it easier to know what you are better off getting. (y)
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