Question about catfish

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 29, 2005
Triad, North Carolina
90 gal planted community

Right now I have about 7 emerald cats & corys. I want to keep a school of emaralds around 10 or 12 and I also want 1 "bigger "type cat. Any suggestion on a community cat that gets 12" or so.?

My smallest fish are common hatchets, otos and danios.


Sure a 90 will work, and you can keep red tailed cats with anything---NOT

Those suckers get HUGE, ive seen a almost three foot long one in person.
Scary looking thing.
I know red tails get up to 5'.
I'm thinking of putting one in a 500 gal someone offered me at a good price.


RTC get over 20 inchs big and they are Predator that will even try to eat a something that you might not think it will eat.

I seem them ate a Oscar before.

Its not for a community tank.
I wouldn't personally recommend that you keep them in a community tank, strangely enough several links do say that they can be kept in community tanks. I guess that is why you have to research more than one site.
Xzap said:
I know red tails get up to 5'.
I'm thinking of putting one in a 500 gal someone offered me at a good price.



500G isn't even close to what you will need for an adult are looking at an eventual 6' fish that will weigh near 300 lbs....2000 ( about 12' x 8' x 30") is about absolute minimal to house one....a 500 will be at most 5' x 5' x 30" is a 5'+ fish going to even turn around in that (and unless that glass is easily 2" thick, one good smack of that RTC tail is going to be beyond disasterous.)?
Xzap said:
That's one thing I like about AA, it keeps my imagination in check.. thx Toirtis :)


De nada...I need a good kick in the thought-process occasionally, too....especially when I start thinking about how I could possibly pull off an electric eel or some such.
A friend of mine that owns a lfs ordered a 500 gal ($5000) for a customer and he paid a $2500 deposit and then didn't take the tank, so my friend offered it to me for $2500.

Like I really need a tank that big ! I do have a perfect place for it, but dang all the maintenance.. and filtering.. and pwc's.. and lighting.. and algae !

I think I just got another reality check *lol*

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