Question about Fluval 304

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 5, 2004
Phoenix AZ
I recently bought a 75g tank and it came with the 304. I am new to the hobby and am concerned with the amount of water coming out of the filter. It seems to me it should be coming out with more force than it is now. Can someone give me some idea of how much water is supposed to come out if the outtake hose and with what kind of spray?

I'm relatively new myself but I've got a month-old 75 gallon aquarium as well and have a Fluval 304. The flow of water coming out of it isn't extremely strong and from what I've learned, it probably won't be enough by itself for a 75g. In addition to the Fluval 304, I've got a Penguin Biowheel 330 which I picked up online for about $20. With my Fluval, it's possible to see the current in the water where the flow from the outtake meets up with the glass on the front of my tank (if that helps determine whether there's something wrong with your Fluval).
Correct me if I'm wrong, but my fluval has a control lever....where you can adjust the flow coming out...maybe you need to check that?

Also, what is the GPH on that thing? An adequatley filtered tank should turn over 7 times an that would me that you should have atleast 525 GPH....

My guess is that you are going to need another filter :)

Control lever

I didn't see a control leveer, can you tell me where it would be located?
[center:e293399756] :smilecolros: Welcome to AA, gjw9!! :n00b: [/center:e293399756]
I believe it is located near the intake and outflow tubes. What kind of fish are you planning on keeping--this will also help determine the total gph turnover rate you will need.
I have had the tank running for 4 weeks now and have
6 bloodfin tetras
10 neon tetras
4 marigold wag tail swords
3 giant danios
1 lace cat
1 cory
My next question would be, If I have to move up to a 404, how do I set up the new filter when the old filter has the bacteria I need in it already? I don't want to lose the fish I have.

You can put the old media (with bacteria) in the new filter and avoid going throught the cycle again.
For those fish, 6x gph would be fine.
BTW--cories prefer to be in groups of 3+ and you certainly have room for them :D
One last question

The foam of a 304 wont fit in the 404 but if I change the other media to the 404 you think I'll be alright?
I really appreciate your advice and look forward to your answer to my latest question.

The foam of a 304 wont fit in the 404 but if I change the other media to the 404 you think I'll be alright
That will be fine.

I have a 304 on my 55 gal and always have the flow turned all the way up. If I'm ever worried about too much or not enough current I'll just turn the return nozzle toward the side of the tank and kinda bounce it off the wall.

I think a 304 is rated for up 70 gal tanks or something. With the light load that you have it would suffice. But like somebody said earlier, you can never have enough filtration...
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