Question about light types

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 13, 2012
Florida Panhandle
So I've read a few of the posts on here about lighting. I see there are different types of lights (T5, T8, T12 etc.) what I don't understand is what that means.

I have just basic single bulb hoods. I have 2-24' hoods on my 55 gal. They were made by perfecto. I believe they just have standard household type florescents in them.

I would like to add plants, and know I need to upgrade the lighting, but i would like to avoid replacing my hoods. What options to I have? What kind of bulb do I need?

Thanks for the help.

T5, T8, T12 is the type of bulb, which in simple terms means the size(width). T5 are slimmest and the most effective, T8 are quite larger, and i don't know what T12 is.

with bulbs you have the following to think about:

type: LED and florescent bulbs, the latter being the most common type.

amount of light: usually the simpliest way to discuss this is by simply talking about how much watt you are consuming with lights. the more watt, the more lumen(amount of light). however, many things affect this, such as bulb/led quality, distance from the top of the water, quality of reflectors, age of the bulbs, etc

coloration of light: this is also called Kelvin degrees, and is specified as K. for example a plant-specific bulb will be 5.5K.
for this, most people recommend a combination of a lower light (4.5-7k) and a higher light (max 10k), as the lower spectrums are redish or purple, having a normal high kelvin light can make the color of the tank more white. in general you sould try to avoid going above 10K with this.

typically stock lights work OK. with lower light plants, such as swords, crypts, anubias, and anacharis(?)/egeria densa.

however, if you could provide additional details then people will be able to assist further.
I am going to start with a couple swords and then maybe a java fern or two after I Find some drift wood. Ultimately I want to be able to try some medium light type of plants. I'm just starting with plants (and aquariums in general.) Can I put any 24" bulb in a florescent hood, or do they require a special fixture for different types of bulbs?
normally light hoods/installations only take a specific size of bulb, due to the ballast and/or the length between the pin-insertion-holes(whatever they are called).

you sould be able to look up in your manual and see what type of bulb is supported, and then put the bulb in that you desire (as long as it is the supported type).

also, i almost forgot to mention that the american aquarium market has 2 types of T5 bulbs, HO and NO (high, and normal output respectively). you sould keep that in mind too.

to be able to tell if you can have medium light plants, you'd have to write more information about your light hood.
Different fluorescent tubes require different ballasts to drive the bulbs. If the light you have now has a large diameter bulb in it you will have to use that size bulb. Lighting is confusing in the beginning, but once it clicks, it is fairly simple.
What kind of information? There wasn't a Manual with the hoods. Just a single piece of paper with the warnings and basic set up. it appears that Perfecto is actually the company that manufactures marineland items.

The stock bulbs are marked

Natural Daylight

there is also a 21K marked on it as well.
Well the t8 is the bulb size and the 18 is the length. You have to use the same size bulbs unless you change the fixture.
I thought that would be the case. Seems all I can find in 18" T8 are 15w bulbs. That's about .5 WPG which would seem to not be enough light for even low light plants.
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