Question about Neon Tetras

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 24, 2012
New York
I have six gold neon tetras, and one of them is unusual. It's still small, considerably more pale in color than the rest, and when feeding time rolls around, while everyone else is gobbling up the food, he swims in random formation over one area of the tank. Food floats all around him, and he completely ignores it. I'm worried he isn't eating, as he hasn't grown with the rest and his color is not vibrant like the others. I've attached some pictures to help illustrate. Any ideas? Should I scoop him in a breeder box and see if it helps with his appetite?


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Try some treats, brine shrimp or something super tasty? Sometimes fish need to fast a day, then they will be very hungry and have cleaned out their systems.

Take a close look for sickness, parasites.
Try some treats, brine shrimp or something super tasty? Sometimes fish need to fast a day, then they will be very hungry and have cleaned out their systems.

Take a close look for sickness, parasites.

I feed everyone frozen bloodworms at least once a week, usually before a 24-48 hour fasting, and I promise, for the last two weeks the guy has not touched anything. All he does all day is hover and do irregular circles over the same half of the tank. I see the other guys always hunting for morsels, and even my GBR's come to the surface to feed, my angel practically jumps out at me, and the neons go into super feed mode. This guys just ignores it.
I wouldn't worry about it. If you are keeping neons with angels eventually the neons will end up a tasty snack.
I wouldn't worry about it. If you are keeping neons with angels eventually the neons will end up a tasty snack.

Well my angel is still only about the size of a half dollar, maybe a little bigger, so that won't happen for a while.
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