Question about new fancy goldfish.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 14, 2014
Hello I am new to this website and I am relatively new to keeping fish. I've had a fancy goldfish for about 8 months and he is completely healthy and my aquarium water parameters are perfect. I didn't have any plans of adding a new fish to my tank but today I got a new fancy goldfish as a gift and didn't have a choice but to put him in my tank. I looked at him while he was in the bag and he looked healthy but after he was swimming in the tank I noticed he had a few white spots on his tail and on his front fins. I looked up ich and it doesn't really look like the pictures I saw. Anyway I was wondering what I should do if it is ich. I have a small aquarium that I can use as a quarantine tank but I don't know if I should stress him out further by putting him in another tank. Also will my other goldfish get ich even though the new fish has only been in the tank for a few hours? Sorry for my long question and thank you so much for your answer.
I would take him out and quarantine him. Also read up on ich treatment. I have had the best luck personally with the heat treatment.
Freshwater Ich? Yuck! - Aquarium Advice

Quarantining a fish with ich is pointless as it needs to be addressed as a tank issue once it is introduced. Removing an afflicted fish will just create more work as there will now be two tanks that need to be treated.

Op, can you please post a picture of what you are seeing as well as your specific numbers for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph? Water change schedule, temp and filtration will also be helpful. Thanks!

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