Question about Paradise Fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 30, 2004
I just got home with a new Paradise fish, it is the first time i've ever owned one. I put him in the tank and he is just sitting near the top of the water and hasn't moved for a few hours. Is the water too hot for him? It is 80degrees

Any info on what I can do is much appreciated as I love him and don't want him to die!! Also i've read that they can be aggressive, I hope not too aggressive I only like nice fish :)
A Paradise fish is a beautiful fish to watch. They have a nasty distemperment when it comes to other male paradise fish (infact they can and most likely will battle each other to the death like male betta's). Infact, they are considered an Anabantoidei (this is what a betta is classified as). If you happen to see him up near the surface in what seems to be an action of gulping air, this is common as the paradise fish has a labrynth breathing system (the same as bettas and most other gourami/Anabantoidei species). What this means is that they actually have the capability to get oxygen from the water OR they can go to the surface and get oxygen from the same air that you and i breathe. They keep to the middle and top of your tank and rarely goes to the bottom unless there is some food for him/her there. As for temperature you are in luck. Paradise fish can handle most temperature zones and even most hardness, alkalinity and pH due to the fact that they are most commonly found in marsh lands in Asia. As they get older, if you happen to have smaller fish that will fit into its mouth, you may start loosing fish. I hope this information can help you out.
Thank you so much!!! I saw him in the tank at the LFS and fell in love with him, i'm glad I only got one though! Wouldn't like them to fight to death!! "scary"

Sometimes I notice my albino cory swims up to the surface very fast takes a gulp and then goes down again - it is quite funny to watch.
Thanks again!
Sometimes I notice my albino cory swims up to the surface very fast takes a gulp and then goes down again - it is quite funny to watch.
Yeah they are crazy like that. infact it was my cory's favorite past time when i had some corydoras aeneus all of them one after another (pretty much in sync) would do that at least 3 times a day when i was home watching the tank
it was something i liked to watch.
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