Question about "Seeding"

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 10, 2013
Long story short, I have a betta in a 5 gal who got sick, and I had to take out his filter pad because of the carbon in it while I gave him medication.

It's one of those little Whisper 5-10 gal filters, and while he was on medicine I put pantie hose over the bottom and used frequent WCs.

I need to do a re-cycle on his tank. Will putting the new filter pad into the filter of a larger, already cycled tank help?

If I leave it in there a week and then put it back in the 5 gal, will this speed up the process? I believe I've read something before about "seeding" this way, but correct me if in wrong.

Btw- I'm probably going to keep my betta in another tank until this one is cycled.
Yes, I tossed the old pad. I need to use a new one, but I'm wondering if it's a good idea to put it in another filter next to some already cycled pads.

And my little betta buddy had popeye. I caught it quickly and he's all better now, and the medicine was E.M. Erythromycin.
Yes you can put the new filter pad with already established one, and within a day it will be seeded.
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