Question on egg layers...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Wenatchee, WA
I have a question on my Bolivians. They haven't layed eggs in a while, probably due to some stress. I was just wondering when a female gets close to laying eggs, and get's disturbed, what happens to the eggs if she doesn't lay them? There's been a couple times where she looked ready to lay eggs, then didn't.
That happened to my female gold cockato. She's been ready to lay eggs but do to a skunk louch. She wasn't laying them. I removed him and that night she layed them. She went into the cave every night for a week. Before she maded it. It's not uncomain fora female to hold her eggs for a couple extra days.
Well, this is not a couple extra days, lol. I'm talking weeks. I'm just wondering what happens to the eggs in the event that she does not lay them. Does she expel the eggs un-noticed or does she somehow consume the eggs in preparation for another set of fresh eggs? Kind of mind-boggling. lol.
Yea now that is mind blowing. LOL I've never had one have to wait that long. LOL the Apistogramma's will start fighting the so called intruder away after awhie. LOL Til she can lay her eggs in peace.
Right now it's quite the battle, lol. The male is trying to keep the serpae's and the blue flame tetras out of the spawning area. Now he's pretty much succeeded with the serpae's, but the blue flame tetras aren't backing down, lol. And the bleeding heart tetras? They're just wusses, lol
I talked with a buddie lasynight and he said " My bolvine female just droped hers al over the conner of the tank after a week and a half of not being able to lay them in peace." Then right after he said that. I remenbered he sent me a e-mail with a link to a page showing just this thing and how to cure the trouble by removing 1 or 2 of the fish from the school, This by braking up these ablatie to fight the way they shoud.
If you see her poop is white and/or zig zagged then its safe to assume she reabsorbed the eggs. To my knowledge, any egglaying fish can reabsorb.
That's what I was thinking, as I don't think eggs can last forever. At some point they will go bad. So that's my thinking and reasoning for creating this post, is for my learning experience, as well as others. Thanks again for the input. :)
That may be why my BN won't lay eggs, too many disruptions. 7 Corys on the bottom could be a major distraction. I have seen bass in nature that will actually kill off smaller populations of fish so they can lay thier eggs in peace.

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