Question on live rock for a biocube 29

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 14, 2012
I have a bio cube 29 that I am setting up. I have 40 pounds of live sand and will be buying some live rock this weekend to get a cycle going. My question is I was told that I could use base rock with about 10 pounds of live rock on top of it. The reasoning was that with the live sand and live rock on top it would make the base rock live again but save money on cost up front. I wanna do 25 pounds of live rock which will run me 200. Was just curious what everyone thought. New to this.
That would be Perfect just be careful on what rock you get for base
10 lbs of live rock would be plenty and would be less than $100. Dont need live sand either. I use pool filter sand.
Make sure you clean your base rock before adding it. There can be loads of dead life on them. I bought 120 pounds of base Rock off a guy on Craigslist for $50 (yea I lucked out) and I spent a few hous soaking them in buckets of water and took a tooth brush and brushed every inch of the rocks. I then let them cycle in a separate tank but that because my tank already had fish in it.
i have to ask at one fo my local fish stores if they have any. Ofcourse the one i was at wanted me to buy 25 pounds of live for 200 but cant blame them for trying i guess they were very helpful. i thought that would be ok. I will def clean it first. i am not rushing in but i want to get it set up and cycling.

the LFS told me to take out the bio balls which i plan on doing already. I have already taken out the fasle floors in chamber one and two. They told me that i should use live rock rubble instead cause that is what they have in the 5 bio cubes they have set up in the store. Would this be ok until i save more and buy the inTank media basket
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