Question on My New Satellite System

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 18, 2006
I recently purchased a Current Satellite Dual 65 watt light system but due to one light being actinic I purchased another bulb a 50/50 - 65watt SmartPaq 10,000K daylight/460nm actinic. Well I just received it and put it on the tank and I'm not really happy with the color, it's making the tank much too bright. I really didn't want to have too much light over the tank, that's why I opted for the 50/50.

Would I have been better off purchasing anitger dual daylight - 6700k/1000k or would this still be the same brightness or probably even more. Maybe I just need to get used to it, but damn it's bright! I love the way the tank looks with only one dual daylight (6700k/10,000k) on. I suppose if I want more light, then I'm going to have to deal with this, correct?

Thanks for letting me vent.
Pretty much whatever bulb you use, it is going to be bright. You will get used to it. I personally love how bright they are. So do my plants.
Pretty much what I thought, I'm glad that I didn't go for the dual daylight, maybe in the future, once I'm sure I can keep my ferts under control. I am already seeing how much the plants are enjoying the new lights!
I use the 2x 65 satellite, and the 4x 65 satellite fixtures over my tank. You do get used to the brightness of your new nuke lighting. As for color, the 8800k bulbs are a real nice choice. Also, though I personally don't use them, many folks are claiming that the 6700k bulbs give them better coloration. Since I have 6x lights, I use a blend of 10,000k and 8,800k bulbs which to me brings out the blue colors in my fish very nicely.
Also, with satellite (Current brand) fixtures you are driving a 65 watt ballast, not 55 watt. So make sure you take advantage and get the longer 22" bulbs and not the standard 21" bulbs. According to what I have read, the fixture will drive the bulbs at 65w no matter what.

On a side note, on my dual satellite fixture one ballast burned out. Current would not deal with me directly. But, when I had a local LFS store owner call for me (Bangkok Aq.) they sent him the ballast for free, all I paid for was shipping. The new ballast came prewired with the connectors even, making replacement super easy.
Zezmo, glad I read this, I wasn't aware that I could use longer bulbs, I just measured the ones I have in the satelitte fixture now and they're 21 inches. Next time, I will order 22", wonder why George at Tri-City Tropicals didn't tell me that. I emailed him asking him about the lengths of the bulbs too! Oh well, at least I know now and also see that Hellolights carries them too, thanks again!
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