Question on snails.

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 28, 2003
Montreal Quebec
Heh all,

This might be a stupid question but what the hell. I have seen twice when a Turbo Mexican snail is turned on his back. He is nowhere near the glass or LR in that matter. So I paniced a little and helped him a bit a turned him over. I thought he might be stuck like that and die.

Should I leave then like that?
No question is stupid :D Yes, it is good to flip them over. I get really annoyed at mine, they are always falling off the glass/rocks and cannot flip themself back over so I'm constantly flipping them back.
after flipping over about 10 snails a day i let my hermits have a feast. Hey survival of the fittest,

Mr. Marine
FWIW, to the best of my knowledge, the so-named "Mexican Turbos" come from much cooler waters (Sea of Cortez, Mexico) than we run in our tanks - and don't survive long in today's captive reefs, as the temps in their natural environment are normally around 72F - 76F.
I agree with mrmarine. That is why one of my Hermit carbs took one of my snails shell. The little guy got a big home for know.
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