Question on various fish....

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Wenatchee, WA
I'm noticing some of the fish in my 55G are getting not so good looking. They look like they have kind of dry skin, and a little faded. The fins losing color as well. It's my tiger barbs, albino tiger barbs, and green tiger barbs. It's also that way on my rainbow shark as well, but the albino rainbow shark seems fine. None of the loaches or eels are affected either. Is this a problem?

Also, my serpae tetras in my 75G are looking similar, but not as bad. Just don't have that nice shiny color, kind of dry looking. Any recommendations out there? Or is this a normal cycle for the barbs and serpae's? Also, the rainbow shark has lost almost all it's color in the fins, and the body has also lost most of it's color. But he seems fine, and eats fine, and hides like normal. Any thoughts?

Did a 50% PWC and things are getting better. The rainbow shark has most of his coloring back. My only guess is, the build-up of nitrates from overfeeding. I've been bad about not testing that tank, as I've been doing weekly 50% PWC's. But I guess even with that, my nitrates were still rising. So I'll be feeding a lot less now, as well as doing another PWC tomorrow for good measure. Then will do a 50% PWC weekly with a 20-25% PWC midweek til things get under control. Hopefully this will clear things up. :)
Looks like you answered your own Q ;) If you think you are overfeeding, then you probably are. Aside from the PWC, cut down on feedings, which will keep them healthier in the long run anyway :D
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