Question regarding ich and bio-wheel

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 6, 2003
Southern California
Well, looks like my 30 gallon tank has ich... :roll: I have rid-ich plus to treat it, but I was wondering what I should do with the bio-wheel while I'm treating the tank? I know I'm not supposed to leave it in the tank, so where should I put it?

Should I:

a) put it in my 12 gallon tank or will that infedct my 12 gallon tank with ich?

b) put it in a bucket with dechlorinated water and leave it there until all the ich is gone?

c) just leave it in the tank?

d)do something else? (please specify)

Also, will all my fish do okay with the rid-ich medication? I have a bunch of rainbowfish, two killis, a few tetras, two plecos, two loaches, a cory, a catfish, a gourami, and 3 snails.
Ok, first the bio-wheel issue....
I would either do b.) or what I am currently doing which is wrapping the biowheel in a wet paper towel and sealing it in a zip lock bag - check the paper towel every couple of days.

I have never used rid-ich before, but usually with plecos and tetras you use half the dose of the recommended medication. Read the directions carefully and see if it says anything about half dosing. My biggest concern is the plecos because they are, personally, I would 1/2 the dosage.
See if you have Rid-Ich or Rid-Ich + (plus). Plus is formulated for those scaless guys and is less dangerous to use. I would still half dose and double the treatment time, but it should be safer.
okay, that article on petsforum is great...

thanks guys. Just one more question though... Should I put my inverts in my other tank or will that spread the ich into that tank as well?

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