Questions about lighting a bowfront

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 16, 2011
Atlanta, GA
Okay, so I went against my typical behavior and got a number of plants without truly researching them first (that was my first mistake), and I listened to the guy at the LFS who said the light that comes with the kit would be enough to grow plants (that was my second mistake).

I used a substrate called Activ-Flora that supposedly comes with nutrients pre-mixed in, and I've been using Flourish Excel. The plants in my tank are now languishing, probably due to to insufficient light & CO2. My tank is a bowfront, so it's only 20" long, and the included reflector holds a bulb only 18" long. The included bulb is full spectrum, but only 15W. Using either the WPG or LSI, that just doesn't seem like enough light.

Here's the part I'm having trouble with: I can't seem to find a bulb that's high enough wattage, falls in the right spectrum, and fits in that light fixture. Has anyone else run into this problem? I found this light on - would it be enough, and am I likely to find one in a store? (I hate paying shipping costs on anything, but I will if there's no other option.)

I'd like to get this sorted out in time to save the plants I currently have, rather than having to start from scratch. :( Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I had the same issue, and ended up replacing the hood with a glass top, and bought a standard T-8 dual strip light to set on top.

I had the same issue, and ended up replacing the hood with a glass top, and bought a standard T-8 dual strip light to set on top.


How much did it run you? Where did you get a glass top for a bowfront and the strip light?
The glass top for my 36G bowfront was a little difficult to find, but I did finally find it for a decent price online. Don't recall the exact vendor and amount, but I'll check when I get home this evening and will let you know about that and the strip light as well.

Just to contribute - I found the glass lid for my 26 Gallon Aqueon Bowfront on Ebay. Aqueon actually makes the top - called a "Versa-top" - but for some reason there are absolutely zero retailers that carry the bowfront version, just the flat one.

So look for Versa-Tops. It's glass with a hinge and a polymer area on the back that can be cut out for tube, wires, filters etc.
Shipping is expensive, but it's glass and was packed well.

Thanks for the link! You're right - the shipping is expensive. :8O: Would the light I linked to in the original post be strong enough for a planted tank, or do I need a double strip? I'd like to minimize the new equipment I have to get; it means I'll have equipment lying around unused. :(
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