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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 7, 2003
Mankato MN
I bought a leather coral, i believe that its a devils hand. The rock that its attached to is small and the leather coral has overgrown the rock. its now resting on another rock. I would say that the leather is about 7-8 inches in diameter when fully opened and the rock its attached to is about 3x3. When i first bought the leather and put it into my tank it was a peach color, now a few of the "fingers" are turning into a purple color. Is this normal? Is the leather too big for the rock its attached to and needs to be fragged? The bottom or "stem" of the lower part is resting on another piece of rock and forming around it. Do you think the leather is attaching to the rock its resting on, or maybe its irritating the coral? Is the purple color normal? Any advice would be great! TIA The picture wont include the purple spots now this is an earlier pic but you can see that the leather is large. what should i do?


  • leather_full_215.jpg
    44 KB · Views: 50
Yes its attaching to the other rock. It might split at the point and you end up with two corals or you can start fragging if you prefer the look of a smaller coral.
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