Questions on planted tank with sand

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 25, 2013
Hi I am new and just joined and already have some questions. I have an empty 10 gallon and if I can convince my parents, I want to set it up as a planted tank. I have never used live plants before.
I really like the look of sand but am not sure if this is suitable or plants.
What plants do you recommend for beginners?
thanks in advance:thanks:
Sand will be just fine or a mix of a couple different things. I have kitty litter and then toped with sand. I have good plant growth on low light with a few different plants.
I have used sand, gravel, dirt capped with sand, laterite and eco-complete. My favorite so far is the eco-complete. I grow anubias, crypts, amazon swords, windelov fern. I still use root tabs and liquid fertilizers. Play sand rinsed really really well can be used but you will need root tabs and liquid fertilizers most likely. Good Luck! I hope your parents realize what a great hobby a planted tank is!
Thanks for replying guys!!! What about when I siphon the tank, will it suck up the sand? And Andrew that pretty cool that you used kitty litter
Yes the siphon will suck up sand. You stir up the matter on top of the sand a little and then siphon. You will almost always suck up some sand though, its unavoidable it seems. You siphon above the sand. Planted tank substrate shouldn't be disturbed too much or you may mess up the plants by burying one or uncovering another etc. Good Luck!
Okay that does make sense. You said you have used all different substrate before, have you used caribsea instant aquarium freshwater substrates before?

You can also use potting soil and cap it with your choice subtrate (I have potting soil then capped with pool filter sand)
Your forgetting the most important thing for a planted tank... lighting. The type of plants you can grow will be determined by the type lighting and bulbs you use.
That would depend on the type of tank you want to run. Simple, low light, low light tolerant plants, and weekly dosing of a liquid fert or a higher tech tank with med to high light, all types of plants, CO2 or liquid carbon dosing, and a good fertilizer dosing plan.
Do you already have a light that came with the tank or are you going to buy one?

Low light tolerant plants that are also easy beginner plants for the type of tank you want to run are: anubia, java fern both regular and wendilov, bolbitus, crypts are excellent especially wendtii's and parva's. Also dwarf sag and 4 leaf clover (Marsilea quadrifolia) are good.
Well I would need to buy I hood and the one i am looking at says it needs two 15W or one 25W screw socket aquarium bulbs
Sand will be just fine or a mix of a couple different things. I have kitty litter and then toped with sand. I have good plant growth on low light with a few different plants.

Very curious (please forgive me, hope this doesn't come off in the wrong way!)... Kitty litter sounds like the last thing you would want in a tank... How does it work? What are the benefits of this?
Very curious (please forgive me, hope this doesn't come off in the wrong way!)... Kitty litter sounds like the last thing you would want in a tank... How does it work? What are the benefits of this?

You have to buy the all natural with no fragrance or additives. All kitty litter is is clay so it would be like having a dirt planted tank
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