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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 5, 2014
I'm setting up a new tank and I wanted to do a black kuhli loach tank but every time I've ever had them, I never got to see them. My lfs keeps a tank of them and they are never hiding. How can I make it so that the loaches will come out during the day?

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Have A big enough tank to keep a group of six or more. Then you will see them more often and you can teach them to come out especially if you start target feeding them with frozen worms and brine shrimp.

I defrost frozen food in a bowl tank water and then suck that up with a turkey baster so I can aim exactly where the food is put into the tank.

Having a tank with plenty of live plants, also helps them feel more secure.

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My little guys even love it when I just sink flakes. They go nuts sifting through the sand trying to get it all.
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Have lots of little caves and stuff and if they get spooked they can immediately hide and not slam into everything frantically trying to find one.

I've heard they appreciate leaf litter but never tried it with them.

I love my fish!!!
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