Rainbow shark getting grumpy

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 15, 2003
San Antonio, TX
Lately, as my rainbow shark has gotten older, he has become a lot more aggresive. He chases my golden gorami, tiger barbs, and clown loach all around the tank during feeding time and is very territorial especially to the other loaches.

The thing is though, he does no damage to any of the fish. I'm guessing because of the shape of his mouth, he doesn't nip off any fins or anything from the other fish. SHould I be concerned about this behaviour or just let it go?
How big is the tank jarrette? And how is it decorated (lots of hiding places and separate areas)?
55 gallon.

Yeah there isn't much plant life at all anymore since i pulled a bunch out but there is some rock and a huge pod coral.
Well, I have lots of experience with rainbow sharks. They definitely require a hiding place. They will be unhappy without. And they will torment fish smaller than them. Mine claimed one half of my 10 gallon for himself, the poor tetras only had one-half a tank and they didn't dare roam. He did eventually fin nip, this is a possibility in the future. I did find that mine was shy around people though. I had to spy on him to catch his true behaviour (fin-nipping, etc). Rainbows really are naturally territorial and aggressive. They are less so if kept with fishes much bigger than themselves. I guess it is up to you if you want to keep him. They do get worse over time. Make sure he does have a secure hiding place all to his own. I had an ornament in the shape of a small diameter pipe mine used to hide in. Although, even with that, he was still very territorial and aggressive.
They're pretty aggressive/territorial buggers. I'm guessing he's gotten bigger since you purchased him, needs more space and is going around claiming it. Keep an eye on the others in the tank; he may not bite them, but he could stress them out harassing them.
yeah, i guess the stress is what's concerning me.

Plus i've noticed that he has a few missing or damaged scales. Is this normal? None of the other fish have any problems
As AJ mentioned make sure that he has a good hiding place, they are very territorial and like to have their own space and when they feel exposed will resort to chasing and anoying the other tank mates. My red tail does the same thing, even jumped out of the tank once, until I buried a piece of pipe in the sand for him to hide. As long as you have a good hiding place for him he should calm down.
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