rainbow with Columnaris? with photo

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 23, 2004
Pennington, NJ
My parents have four rainbows in their 90 gallon tank at work. They had what I though was Columnaris, white fuzzies around the mouth. (just these four fish none of the others have had a problem). They have been treating with Marycin and Melafix. They are now telling me that the threads are gone, but there is greyish scales around the mouth. They have also been doing frequent water changes and ammonia and nitrites are 0 and the nitrates are about 10ppm. Their pH is about 7.8. Attached is a photo they took today. Should do another series (five days) of treatment of Marycin, or just continue with melafix. Does it look like it is healing or is their sill infection? Anyone who has had experience with this, your experience would be appreciated. They don't have quarintine and have been treating the whole tank, but if you suggest retreating, then I will urge them to set up a quarintine. The four fish have been eating and otherwise swimming around and behaving normally.



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Another Photo

Here is another photo, of a different fish from a different angle. They describe them as looking like skin tags. I'm not familiar with medicine but I think that means extra tissue.
Beautiful fish! I'd stick with the melafix. They seem to really take care of the tank. Things should continue to get better if water quality stays top notch like it is.
I agree with staying with the melafix, I don't know what the fish looked like at the beginning of the treatment but they are looking pretty decent now. It's good that they are keeping the water pristine.
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