rainwater from a rain barrel for tank?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 5, 2016
Has anyone used a rain barrel (if it ever rains - been quite dry in MD for about 6 weeks now) to fill their tank?

Would anything in the asphalt of the roof be harmful?
As long as you let it sit to develop the needed bacteria (4-6 weeks) to break down fish waste it should work. Benefically, ou wouldnt need a de-chlorinator because it does not contain chlorine like tap water.

As for the asphalt, let your tank sit for awhile and test the water levels for ph and whatever. Asphalt shouldnt be very harmful to fish, especially if you let it sit. Maybe use a strainer?
I would be wary about water that has been in contact with asphalt. Might be okay but who knows if it is leaching anything. And there's the pH and pollutants to consider.
Water that has been sitting 4-6 weeks will not develop the bacteria in feasible numbers. They need an ample supply of food and oxygen. Besides the beneficial bacteria would be found on the walls and bottom of the rain barrel and not in the water column.
Dust, soot, pollen and other stuff that blows in the wind can settle on the roof and get washed into the rain barrel, especially if it hasn't been raining regularly to keep it clean. Also bird and squirrel droppings, bugs, bits of shells off the tree, half-rotten bits of leaves... If it's anything like my rain barrel, I wouldn't drink it on a dare. In small quantities, well-diluted, that stuff probably isn't going to hurt the fish, but it wouldn't be my first choice. Too many unknowns.
Has anyone used a rain barrel (if it ever rains - been quite dry in MD for about 6 weeks now) to fill their tank?

Would anything in the asphalt of the roof be harmful?

Better off buying a water butt and using the collected rain water for top ups. You might need another heater for temp matching prior to adding it to the tank but full on rainwater might not be a great idea for a tropical tank especially if collected via run off.
Rain water works great. What do you think wild fish live in? Use it at half and half or three to one with tap to lower your PH for soft water fish. People that don't use it or don't know what they are talking about will always have unfounded objections. Contact time with the asphalt is so short that there is no problem. If you have uncovered gutters you might get a lot of leaf tannins, but it is still good.
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